Reducing the Risk of Machinery Entanglements Among Warehouse Workers

Reducing the Risk of Machinery Entanglements Among Warehouse WorkersWarehouse employers require their workers to use various types of machines every day. These machines can help the workers get their jobs done easier, quicker, and more efficiently. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, our experienced work injury attorneys know and understand the risk that comes with working around large and powerful machines.

Machine entanglements are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries in warehouses. If you experienced a machinery entanglement or any other serious workplace accident, do not hesitate to call our firm in Newark, Wilmington, or Seaford today.

What are machinery entanglements?

Machinery entanglements, also referred to as caught in/between accidents or entrapment accidents, occur when a warehouse worker’s clothing, hair, jewelry, or body parts become stuck in a machine. While some people may be able to stop the machine in time, it is often difficult to release the individual from the machine without severe bodily injuries. If the machine is not stopped, there is a possibility that the machine could pull them in, which could result in broken or crushed bones, limb amputations, head trauma, internal organ damage, internal bleeding, severe lacerations, strangulation or suffocation, and even death.

Recent caught in/between accidents that have occurred

Unfortunately, caught in/between accidents continue to happen across the country. Here are a few of the most recent:

  • In April 2024, a warehouse worker was caught in/between her machine. It is unknown how the woman became entangled in the machine at the textile plant, but she died shortly after being transported to the hospital.
  • In March 2024, a warehouse worker dropped one of her AirPods underneath the conveyor belt during her shift. She tried to reach for the AirPod when her arm became caught in the conveyor belt. Even though the machine was quickly turned off and taken apart, emergency responders had to cut through it to release the 21-year-old woman. She died at the hospital from her injuries.
  • In July 2023, a 16-year-old boy working at a chicken processing facility was cleaning a machine when he was caught in it. The employer states that they did not know that the boy was a minor when they hired him.

Are there certain times that the risk of machinery entanglements increases?

The risk of machinery entanglements can occur at any time during your shift. However, this risk is higher while:

  • Operating or working on or near the machine
  • Cleaning or maintaining the machine
  • Repairing the machine
  • Inspecting the machine
  • Servicing or updating the machine

While operational safeguards are essential, machines must also be able to be properly locked and secured when not in use (and during maintenance and repairs).

Steps employers should take to reduce the risk of entrapment accidents in Delaware warehouses

Employers and companies can reduce the risk of entrapment accidents by doing the following:

  • Make sure all machinery has the proper safety guards. This means that no safety guards should be old, worn out, or broken.
  • Provide supervision to workers who operate dangerous equipment and machinery. This ensures that they are following the safety procedures and training instructions provided.
  • Make sure that no employees are using drugs or alcohol on the job. Drugs and alcohol can make it difficult for workers to stay alert, focus, and react quickly enough.
  • Only allow workers who pass the training and education classes provided to operate machinery.
  • Ensure that the floors and surfaces near the machinery are clean and dry. This will help employees avoid slipping, falling, or tripping, which could lead to an entrapment accident.
  • Implement a rule that requires all workers to report anything out of the ordinary with a machine. This means if they notice any defects, malfunctions, or strange sounds coming from the machine, they should turn it off and alert their supervisor immediately.
  • Perform frequent inspections of machinery and equipment. Even if there have been no reports of a machine having issues, it is crucial to inspect it and look for signs of loose parts, wear and tear, or any defects that employees may have failed to notice.
  • Have emergency shut offs, warning signs, and necessary lighting in place. Companies should always make sure there is an emergency shut off available in case of an emergency. Warning lights ensure that workers are aware of the dangers when walking or entering a certain area near machinery, and lighting adds more visibility to the area to help workers see the equipment clearly.

Have you or a loved one suffered a traumatic workplace injury due to a machinery entanglement accident? If so, the Delaware work injury attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman are here to legally assist you. Our team knows and understands the challenges that come with these types of injuries. For example, you may not only suffer severe pain and suffering, but the accumulation of your medical bills and loss of income is  financially overwhelming. We can provide you with effective legal advice and ensure that you are aware of all your potential options to obtain justice and compensation. Call our office or submit our contact form to schedule an appointment in Seaford, Wilmington, or Newark at your earliest convenience.