I Hurt My Back at Work. What Do I Do?

I Hurt My Back at Work. What Do I Do?The experienced Delaware workers’ compensation attorneys from Silverman, McDonald & Friedman help those injured on the job get the benefits they deserve. We assist clients with their claims in and around Wilmington, Newark and Seaford.

Back injuries are one of the most common on the job injuries in the workplace. These injuries can vary widely in type and severity, from strains and sprains to herniated discs to spinal cord damage. Back pain can have a disabling effect on your life, sometimes necessitating time off work and rest from everyday activities. When this type of injury occurs on the job, your workers’ compensation insurance should provide benefits, like medical care and coverage for any wages you lose because of your back injury.

Common causes of back pain

Unfortunately, there are many different ways to injure the back. Many employees have job duties that put them at risk for back injuries, like:

  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Loading and unloading cargo
  • Carrying bulky or awkward loads
  • Pulling or pushing heavy objects
  • Repeated bending over, like packing boxes
  • Spending long hours driving
  • Crouching, squatting, or stooping all day
  • Sitting in non-ergonomic chairs

Back injuries develop over time due to repeated stress, or happen suddenly from a single incident or accident. Regardless of the cause, back injuries can cause severe pain and limit movement. Typically they require rest, treatment, and physical therapy before you can return to normal activities and resume your job.

Treatment for back injuries

Treatment for a back injury is dependent on the particular injury and where it’s located. Common prescribed treatments for back injuries include:

  • Complete rest from all activities or only from certain activities affecting the injured area
  • X-rays, MRIs, or other tests for specific diagnosis
  • Anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, painkillers, or other medication
  • Physical therapy or rehabilitation
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Deep tissue massage
  • Wearing a back or neck brace
  • Surgery, in extreme cases

You may only require a short period of rest and medication for your injury. Or, you may require surgery and an extensive healing period. Either way, your medical costs and lost wages should be covered by workers’ compensation benefits.

More about workers’ comp

If you hurt your back from a work-related incident, you should report the injury to your supervisor or employer as soon as possible to ensure you will be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

In some cases, your employer may try to dispute certain diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult with experienced attorneys immediately, who will help you prove that treatment is necessary for your health and well-being. Especially if you will be temporarily or permanently disabled due to your back injury, your attorney can ensure you are receiving the right benefits from your workers’ comp policy.

At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, our skilled Delaware workers’ compensation lawyers give you an advantage when fighting for benefits after a workplace injury. Let us help you while you’re on the road to recovery. No cost consultations are available at our office locations in Seaford, Wilmington and Newark. Call 302-888-2900 or fill out our contact form today.