Injuries from Manufacturing

Delaware Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Representing Manufacturing Workers

Put more than 100 years of combined legal experience to work for you in Seaford, Newark, and throughout Delaware

Manufacturing has become significantly automated, but people are still the most vital aspect to keeping those machines running. Working around large, complex machines exposes manufacturing workers to dangerous hazards every day on the job.

Manufacturing jobs might not represent the segment of the economy that they used to, these jobs are vital to provide the goods and machinery that we use in our everyday lives. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that about four in every 100 manufacturing workers are injured or become ill at work each year. Of the roughly 10,000 severe workplace injuries each year on the job, the manufacturing sector is responsible for the highest proportion of those injuries. About 57% of work-related limb loss and 26% of hospitalizations were for workers in the manufacturing sector.

When Delaware workers sustain an injury on the job in a manufacturing facility, or receive a diagnosis of an occupational disease, the state has a workers’ compensation program which gives a partial wage-loss benefit, medical expenses, vocational rehabilitation services and scheduled loss lump sum payments for the permanent loss of use of a body part, a limb or vision or hearing. If a worker should lose their lives in a workplace accident, workers’ compensation offers death benefits to the worker’s dependents.

Workers’ compensation for workers in Delaware’s manufacturing industry

Delaware’s manufacturing industry is comprised of manufacturers who add value by converting raw materials to usable items. Chemicals are Delaware’s primary manufacturing output including drugs, industrial chemicals, plastics, and other synthetics. The food processing industry produces gelatin, pudding, desserts, canned goods, poultry, fish products and soft drinks. (

What are the top five causes of injuries for manufacturing workers?

A major insurance company came up with a list of the top five workplace injuries for manufacturing workers which include the following:

  1. Contact with an object (40%)
  2. Overexertion (24%)
  3. Slip, trip, and fall (19%)
  4. Repetitive motion (8%)
  5. Contact from harmful substances (6%)

(Other 3%)

Examples of typical workplace injuries

Insurance Journal reports that the top five workplace injuries with workers’ compensation claims include:

  • Strains and sprains (30%)
  • Cuts or puncture wounds (19%)
  • Contusions (12%)
  • Inflammation (5%)
  • Fractures (5%)

Materials handling accidents were the top cause (nearly 40%) of injuries in the manufacturing sector.

Which are the most injury-prone manufacturing industries?

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, wood product manufacturing, food manufacturing and nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing. Interestingly, Delaware’s leading manufacturing industry, chemical manufacturing, is the sixth safest segment of the manufacturing industry.

What can a Wilmington workers’ compensation attorney do for me?

If you encounter a dispute regarding your workers’ compensation benefits, the skilled Wilmington workplace injury attorneys at the law firm of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman are here to represent your interests through every stage of the hearings and appeals process. Don’t worry if you think you would not be able to afford our services because we take cases on contingency. You do not pay attorney fees until we have been successful recovering compensation for you. We are the workers injury law firm you can trust to fight for you.

Schedule a free consultation with a Delaware workers’ compensation attorney today

The Wilmington workers’ compensation lawyers of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman have experience working to obtain the maximum amount of benefits available. If you have suffered an injury or disease that makes it impossible for you to travel to our office, we will come to your home. You can reach us toll-free at 302-888-2900 or you can fill out our contact form to make an appointment at one of our offices in Newark or Seaford.
