Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for Dermatological Issues?

Certain industries pose serious risks of skin infections and diseases. You could be entitled to workers’ compensation depending on the nature of your illness. Contact Silverman, McDonald & Friedman in Wilmington, Newark, or Seaford to speak with a workers’ compensation attorney today. While many workplace injuries are due to physical exertion, there are other common…

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Recent Supreme Court Ruling Favors Consumers

When you are harmed by a defective product, you can make a claim for damages against the seller. A recent ruling by the Supreme Court may help injured consumers do just that. Contact Silverman, McDonald & Friedman in Wilmington, Newark, or Seaford for help. In a precedent-setting ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States…

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I-95 Construction Increasing Vehicle Accidents in Wilmington

Traffic accidents are increasing in Wilmington. If you were hurt in a collision anywhere in Delaware, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman is here to help. Contact our accident attorneys in Wilmington, Newark, or Seaford to learn more. Interstate 95 in Delaware is undergoing a major construction project called Restore the Corridor. The construction is expected to…

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Do Guardrails Really Prevent Accidents?

You expect road safety devices like guardrails to work and not just be installed to give a false sense of security to drivers. The Delaware car accident attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman care about road safety and the safety of your family. We provide Delaware citizens access to legal services in our offices located…

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Workers’ Compensation Statute of Limitations in Delaware

Injuries and illnesses contracted on the job can bring financial stress, inconvenience, and sometimes permanent disabilities. Even if everything is done to promote safety and wellbeing in the workplace, accidents can still happen, and they can still be severe. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we have skilled workers’ compensation attorneys on hand to help you…

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Coping with Amputation

Losing a limb for any reason is a traumatic, difficult experience. The pain and heartache is only compounded when your amputation is the fault of a reckless driver who must be held accountable. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we put our all into your personal injury case so you can focus on recovery and rest.…

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What Is Maximum Medical Improvement?

Workers’ compensation temporary benefits are paid until the worker reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI). The worker is then evaluated to determine his/her permanent disability and his/her impairment rating. If you’ve suffered any workplace injury or illness, call Silverman, McDonald & Friedman in Wilmington, Newark, or Seaford today to speak with a premier Delaware workers’ compensation…

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Strategies for Reducing the Risk of a Car Accident

Did another driver cause your injuries? Rest assured that if you are injured in a crash, our seasoned car accident lawyers have the experience and resources to help you get justice. For help with your claim for pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, and property damage, call Silverman, McDonald & Friedman in Wilmington, Newark,…

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