Frequently Asked Questions about Delaware Workers’ Compensation

Clients who have been injured in a workplace accident, or who have been diagnosed with an occupational disease often have many questions related to Delaware workers’ compensation benefits. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we are here to answer your questions and to offer sound legal guidance about the specifics of your case. Please contact us…

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OSHA Issues New Safety Rule to Protect Workers in Confined Spaces

The experienced Delaware workers’ compensation lawyers at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman are here to protect workers’ rights to workers’ compensation benefits, and to provide representation in any type of claim dispute. Contact us to schedule a free consultation at one of our offices in Wilmington, Seaford and Newark. While they were trying to do their…

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How Car Damage Can Indicate Liability in a Delaware Car Crash

There are many parts to a car accident liability case. The police evaluation, the statement of witnesses, and the travel patterns of the cars all help to determine who was responsible. Whether the driver was intoxicated, distracted while texting, or fatigued can also aid in the determination of fault. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, our…

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Slips and Falls at Work Pose Risks Across Industries

When you are injured in a slip and fall accident at work, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation. No matter whose fault the accident was, let the accomplished attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman help you obtain benefits. We fight for injured workers across Delaware, including Wilmington, Newark, and Seaford. Many people underestimate the…

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Scarring and Disfigurement from a Workplace Accident

Being in a work accident can mean facing life-threatening injuries—and also sustaining lifelong scarring or disfigurement. If you were permanently scarred or disfigured by a job-related accident, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman can help you seek the benefits you deserve. Our firm serves clients in Wilmington, Seaford, Newark, and throughout Delaware. Having a lifelong change in…

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Protecting Yourself from a Highway Truck Accident

When a reckless truck driver causes a collision on a busy highway, the consequences for other drivers can be devastating. The attorneys of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman have represented dozens of clients over the years that have suffered life-threatening injuries as the result of highway truck accidents. Some have even died. If you or someone…

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Eye Injuries Caused by Work Accidents

Vision loss or impairment is a scary prospect, as it can threaten your livelihood and quality of life. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we’ve seen the devastating repercussions of eye injuries caused by on-the-job accidents. Our workers’ compensation attorneys in Seaford, Wilmington, and Newark fight for clients throughout Delaware, helping to obtain the compensation needed…

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