Workers’ Compensation for Workplace Burn Injuries

Burns, whether from heat and flame or chemicals, are a common workplace hazard. They happen very quickly, but the effects can last long after the burn wound has appeared to heal. The severity of burns can vary from just a surface wound to deep tissue, bone and muscle damage which can cause many complications including…

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Workers’ Compensation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

If you sustain a workplace injury such as broken leg, in most cases the injury will heal and eventually the pain will fade away. However, there is a chronic pain condition called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). This agonizing condition is an incurable neurological disorder that causes chronic…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Delaware Workers’ Compensation

Each state has its own version of workers’ compensation statutes, which is a no-fault disability insurance program for employees. When an individual is injured on the job, or contracts an occupational illness due to contaminants in the workplace, they are not required to prove their employer’s negligence or fault. They must simply report the injury…

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Delaware Auto Accident Trends, Facts & Statistics

Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of personal injury in the United States. Each year, millions of Americans are injured and die on our nation’s highways and local roads, and these accidents cost our economy billions of dollars every year. There is a considerable lag in traffic accident data and crash statistics as local,…

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Know Your Insurance Policies to Protect Your Family

In November of 2012, David Stoms was driving home with his daughter, Alexis, from a family outing. The trip was uneventful until the unthinkable happened. An accident killed David and left Alexis seriously injured. Matthew Bairs, the other driver, was deemed at-fault and uninsured. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we have successfully represented clients who…

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Resolving a Workers’ Compensation Dispute in Delaware

The workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system which allows employees who have been injured at work to receive compensation and medical expenses when they have sustained a workplace injury. For a clear cut workplace injury, a worker’s compensation claim is usually fairly routine. However, there may be times when an employer does not believe…

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