Rollover Car Crashes Caused by Blown Tires

With more than 100 years of combined legal experience, the personal injury legal team at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman knows how to get the compensation you need after you have been injured in an accident caused by another person’s negligence or a defective product. We leverage our skill at building a strong case on your…

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Auto Accidents Caused by Medical Emergencies in Delaware

The legal team at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman has developed the reputation of being the firm you can count on to fight for your rights when you have been injured in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another. We proudly serve clients in Seaford, Wilmington and Newark, and throughout Delaware. As often…

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Miss and Run Auto Accidents in Delaware

At the personal injury law firm of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we fight for justice on behalf of those who have been injured in auto accidents in Seaford, Wilmington and Newark, and throughout Delaware, every single day. We strive to keep you informed about your rights when you have been injured in an accident. What…

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Delaware Named Deadliest State for Pedestrians

We have a lot of highways in Delaware, with the greatest convergence happening in the northern part of the state. We also have a large number of residents, especially in more urban areas, who walk or use public transportation. For other states, this might not be an issue – but in Delaware specifically, there are…

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Workers’ Compensation for Workplace Burn Injuries

Burns, whether from heat and flame or chemicals, are a common workplace hazard. They happen very quickly, but the effects can last long after the burn wound has appeared to heal. The severity of burns can vary from just a surface wound to deep tissue, bone and muscle damage which can cause many complications including…

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Workers’ Compensation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

If you sustain a workplace injury such as broken leg, in most cases the injury will heal and eventually the pain will fade away. However, there is a chronic pain condition called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). This agonizing condition is an incurable neurological disorder that causes chronic…

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