Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Delaware

Were you injured on the job in Delaware and unsure of the workers’ compensation process? The attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman discuss the process of filing a claim and the importance of having experienced representation on your side Contact us in Newark, Seaford, or Wilmington to get started. It is not enough to simply…

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What Makes Drinking and Driving So Dangerous?

The Delaware personal injury attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman have years of experience representing victims of drunk driving accidents. With offices in Wilmington, Newark, and Seaford, we are always close by when you need us the most. Those who choose to get behind the wheel drunk often do not understand just how much is…

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What Injuries Happen from Common Warehouse Accidents?

Were you injured while working at your job in a warehouse? Workers’ compensation can help you recover. If you have questions about your claim, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman can help. Schedule a free consultation with us in Seaford, Newark, or Wilmington today. Working in a warehouse is not easy. Constantly moving, whether it is walking across the giant warehouse…

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Catastrophic Injuries and Death in Traffic Accidents

Have you been in a car accident recently? Filing a personal injury claim might help you receive the financial compensation you need. If you have questions about your claim, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman can help. Schedule a free consultation with us in Seaford, Newark, or Wilmington today. Being in a car accident is frightening and…

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Can I Get Workers’ Compensation for Anxiety?

Are you unable to perform your job because of mental anxiety at work? Workers’ compensation is there to help you recover. If you are having trouble receiving your benefits, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman can help. Schedule a free consultation with us in Seaford, Newark, or Wilmington today. We know that if we break an arm…

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Work Zones Pose Serious Threats to Drivers

Construction sites and other roadside work zones are not new annoyances to Delaware motorists, but the etiquette and safety measures one should practice around them seem less widely-known. If you are injured in a work zone accident in Delaware, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman is here to help. Contact us in Wilmington, Seaford or Newark to…

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Understanding Delaware’s Workers’ Compensation Laws

Were you injured on the job, or hurt in the course of your duties? Workers’ compensation can help you recover. If you have questions about your claim, Silverman, McDonald & Friedman can help. Schedule a free consultation with us in Seaford, Newark, or Wilmington today. Almost every employee who works in Delaware is eligible for…

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Seat Belt Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

There are a lot of myths about seat belts, but one thing is always true: seat belt saves lives. They can’t prevent every single injury, though, which is why you want an experienced Delaware car accident lawyer on your side after a wreck. Call Silverman, McDonald & Friedman in Wilmington, Seaford or Newark to get…

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Can EMS Claim Workers’ Compensation in Delaware?

The selfless men and women in Delaware’s emergency medical services go out each and every day, rain or shine, to save lives and help others. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, these workers are truly the backbone of our society — and that is partially due to their capacity for self-sacrifice. If you are an EMS…

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