Middletown Car Accident Lawyers
Tough representation when drivers crash into your vehicle in Delaware
Everyone is likely to be involved in a car accident at some point in their lives. Just because an accident is likely doesn’t make it excusable. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, our personal injury lawyers hold negligent drivers liable when they speed, drive while intoxicated, or drive while distracted. Our Middletown car accident lawyers work with investigators, the police, and others to show how your car accident happened and why it’s preventable. We demand full compensation for all your financial and personal damages. Call us today if you were injured or a loved one was killed in a Delaware car accident.
Some of our significant car accident results include
- $1,975,000 for a client who suffered severe leg injuries from a drunk driver
- $1,500,000 for a young man injured in an intersectional accident
- $1,350,000 for a pedestrian injured by a car
How can we help?
- How do your Middletown car accident lawyers fight for victims?
- What types of car accidents do you handle?
- What are the common causes of car accidents in Middletown?
- How dangerous are car accidents?
- What are the insurance requirements for drivers/car owners in Delaware?
- Who is liable for my car accident?
- How much is my car accident case worth?
How do your Middletown car accident lawyers fight for victims?
At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we begin by discussing every aspect of your car accident and injuries with you. We answer your questions. Our lawyers explain how the claims process works. We may recommend that you keep your current or see other doctors depending.
Our investigators will examine the accident site to examine the road layout and any factors such as the width of the roads, number of lanes, location of traffic lights, and other factors that can help determine fault. The investigators will speak with any eyewitnesses. They’ll also ask neighboring businesses and residents if they have video of the accident.
We’ll review the police report and speak with the police officer who was called to the accident site. We may also consult with traffic reconstruction experts to reenact the accident and car part experts to analyze if any defective parts such as defective brakes caused the accident.
We’ll file a complaint in New Castle County against the responsible parties. Our lawyers will then use the discovery process to question the defendants and any witnesses.
Our team will review with your doctors what injuries you have, what treatments you will reasonably need (for the rest of your life), and every way your injuries are affecting your ability to function, work, and enjoy life. We’ll get information from your employers to determine how much money you’re losing because you can’t work. Common car accident injuries include spinal cord damage, paralysis, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, neck and back pain, internal organ damage, and many other injuries.
The next step of our representation is to place a value on your case and start the negotiation process with the insurance carriers. If a settlement cannot be reached, we argue your case before a judge and jury.
What types of car accidents do you handle?
Our Middletown car accident lawyers handle every type of case including complex cases with multiple victims and multiple defendants. Many of the cases we handle involve:
- Head-on crashes. These accidents are often fatal or cause catastrophic injuries. Usually, one driver wasn’t where they were supposed to be.
- Broadside. These accidents involve the front of one car striking the side of another car. Often, but not always, the car whose front struck the side of the other car is at fault. These accidents often cause deaths or severe injuries.
- Rear-end collisions. Here, the driver in the rear is almost always at fault.
- Single-vehicle accidents. Here, the passenger can file a claim against the driver.
- Multiple-vehicle accidents. These accidents may involve chain-reaction accidents or several related accidents.
We also handle intersection accidents, accidents with pedestrians, accidents with bicycle riders, construction zone accidents, and Uber or Lyft accidents.
What are the common causes of car accidents in Middletown?
At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we’re skilled at showing how the accident that caused your injuries or the death of a loved one happened. Common causes include:
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Driver distraction including texting, using a mobile phone, eating, drinking, and looking at a GPS
- Speeding, passing improperly, and other traffic violations
- Driving while tired
- Driving too fast for weather or traffic conditions
- Dangerous roadways
How dangerous are car accidents?
According to the Delaware State Police, there were more than 27,500 accidents causing 13 deaths and 1,785 injuries in 2023. Alcohol was involved in nearly 1/4th of the car accident fatalities. Pedestrians accounted for 29 of the deaths. For each pedestrian who was killed, 9 were injured. 59 of the deaths occurred in New Castle County where Middletown is located.
What are the insurance requirements for drivers/car owners in Delaware?
Drivers and car owners are required to have the following minimum liability insurance coverage:
- $25,000 for bodily injury for one person
- $50,000 for bodily injury for multiple people
- $10,000 for property damage
Drivers and car owners must also have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage in the amount of
- $15,000 for bodily injury per person
- $30,000 for bodily injury for one accident
PIP insurance pays for your medical and lost wages - regardless of fault.
Drivers and car owners should also have uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage in the same amount as the minimum liability insurance coverage.
Who is liable for my car accident?
Our Middletown car accident lawyers file personal injury and wrongful death claims against everyone who is responsible for your accident. The defendants may include:
- A driver
- The employer of a negligent driver
- The owner of the vehicle if the owner is different than the driver
- A truck driver or a driver of another vehicle
- The Delaware Department of Transportation, New Castle County, or other governmental agencies and entities for faulty road design or maintenance
- A manufacturer of defective car parts such as fuel lines, windshield wipers, and tires – and defective safety devices such as airbags and seatbelts
- Other defendants depending on how the accident happened
How much is my car accident case worth?
We demand compensation for all your damages to date and all your future damages. Your damages include all your:
- Medical bills
- Lost income and lost benefits
- Physical pain and emotional suffering
- Property damage including car repair/replacement damage
- Scarring and disfigurement
- Loss of bodily function
- Loss of consortium
- Inability to enjoy life’s pleasures
We demand punitive damages if the conduct of the defendant was unconscionable. A common example is when a drunk driver causes your injuries or the death of a loved one.
We also file wrongful death claims. Wrongful death damages include the funeral bills, the loss of financial support, and the loss of personal support (guidance, love, education, and companionship), and the mental anguish of each family member.
Speak with our Middletown personal injury lawyers today
At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we have more than 100 years of combined experience fighting for personal injury victims. Our Middletown car accident lawyers have earned the respect of our clients, insurance companies, and defense lawyers for our thorough preparation of your case, our dedication to our clients, and our record of impressive results. Please call us or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We have offices in Seaford, Newark, and Wilmington. Our lawyers handle cases on a contingency fee basis.