Delaware Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Delaware Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycle accident lawyers capably managing your lawsuit in Delaware

Riding a motorcycle on the open highways often represents a sense of freedom and adventure for riders. They are a lot of fun to drive, but they carry significant risks because of their bikes’ small size, their nimble maneuverability on the road, and their tendency to end up in a driver’s blind spots.

However, none of these factors reduce the responsibility of automobile drivers to take notice and safely share the road with motorcyclists. The Delaware motorcycle accident law firm of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman sympathizes with bikers who have been injured because of the reckless or careless driving of others. We apply our combined 100 years of experience in representing motorcycle accidents victims in Newark, Wilmington, and Seaford and throughout the state of Delaware. We pursue the damages you are due as a result of another driver’s negligence.

How prevalent are motorcycle accidents and injuries?

In 2019, 5,014 motorcyclists were killed on United States roads and highways, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). The same year saw 84,000 injuries. The III also reports that motorcyclists are 29 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a motor vehicle accident.

In 2020, 14 motorcyclists were killed in accidents in Delaware. Further:

  • 301 traffic crashes involved a motorcycle
  • 200 of these crashes resulted in injuries
  • 15 of those crashes were alcohol-related
  • Of the 14 fatalities, 12 motorcyclists were wearing helmets
  • New Castle County saw the highest number of motorcycle accidents, at 180

Often, motorcycle accidents are caused by other motorists. Our attorneys work to find out how your crash happened, and hold the at-fault driver accountable.

Case Results

$638,152 Settlement for Injured Worker
$638,152 settlement recovered for worker injured at work in an automobile accident with injuries to his neck, back and spleen.
$1,250,000 Workers Compensation Settlement
$1,250,000 lump sum settlement for a worker who injured her liver and spleen in a work accident.
$300,000 for Workers Compensation
$300,000 – workmen’s compensation compensation commutation.
$600,000 Awarded for Slip & Fall
$600,000 – arbitration award following a slip and fall
$1.5 Million Dollar Auto Accident Settlement
$1.5 million dollar settlement for young man injured in an intersectional accident

What are the leading causes of Delaware motorcycle accidents?

A variety of factors can lead to a serious motorcycle crash, whether that crash is with another vehicle or with a stationary object. Some of these causes include:

  • Cars making left turns. This is one of the most dangerous situations for bikers. Because of a motorcycle’s small size, motorists may think they can “beat” the bike, even when the motorcyclist has the right of way.
  • Lane splitting. Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist drives in between two lanes (usually during backed-up traffic). Delaware has no specific laws regarding lane splitting, but it must be done with care. Motorists should also be alert for motorcyclists and lane splitting.
  • Motorist inattention. Failure of other drivers to detect motorcyclists is one of the most common causes of tragic accidents. A bike’s limited visibility can put them in a car’s blind spot, placing them at risk for a sideswipe or distracted driving crash.
  • Hazardous roadways. Motorcycles are much more vulnerable to dangerous road conditions than passenger cars and trucks. Loose gravel, uneven pavement, potholes, and debris in the roadway can cause a person to lose control of their bike and suffer serious injury.

Any of these types of accidents can cause serious and disabling injuries.

What common motorcycle accident injury cases do your attorneys handle?

Hazardous roadways, distracted drivers, defective bike or safety equipment parts – these are just some of the factors that can cause a motorcycle accident in Delaware. And unlike the driver of a car, a motorcyclist is not shielded by a crash-tested automotive body. He or she is at serious risk of personally absorbing the impact of a crash with another vehicle. Some common injuries sustained in motorcycle crashes include:

Helmet laws save lives and reduce the head trauma that can occur when a rider is in a crash with another motor vehicle. Delaware has a mandatory helmet use law for riders under the age of 18; however, NHTSA research shows that age-specific laws do not protect the lives of those over the age limit.

What are Delaware’s motorcycle insurance laws?

Delaware’s requirements for motorcycle insurance defines a motorcycle as a vehicle with “motive power, a seat or saddle for the use of the rider; designed to travel on no more than three wheels and at speeds exceeding 35 miles per hour, and of a type required to comply with safety standards applicable to motorcycles under federal law.”

You must have insurance in order to register a motorcycle and obtain license tags. The minimum liability limits for Delaware (although you may purchase higher amounts) are:

  • Bodily injury protection: $25,000 per person/ $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage: $10,000
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): $15,000/$30,000
Delaware Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Why do you need a Delaware motorcycle accident attorney on your side?

As a motorcycle rider, you need to know that you have the same rights as other drivers, including the right to seek compensation for your losses as a result of the inattentive driving of others. The relatives of a fatally injured motorcyclist can also pursue a wrongful death claim against the person at fault for the motorcycle accident. Given the fact that the insurance companies you will be going up against all have legal representation – and many already have a bias against bikers – why would you want to face a motorcycle accident lawsuit on your own?

As with all of our personal injury claims, the legal process at our Delaware law firm involves:

  • Taking charge of compiling evidence
  • Working with accident reconstruction experts to prove who is at fault
  • Analyzing your case
  • Mounting a compelling claim for compensation

Our motorcycle accident attorneys seek just settlements from the insurance companies whenever possible. However, if they refuse to play fair, our firm takes your well-prepared case to court on your behalf.

Are your motorcycle accident lawyers near me?

Our motorcycle accident and injury attorneys serve clients throughout Delaware area, with offices in Seaford, Newark, and Wilmington.

Motorcycle accident lawyers asserting your rights in Delaware

Motorcyclists have rights, too. Our experienced motorcycle injury attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman fight for your fair share of the road and fair judgment in your personal injury case. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced Delaware motorcycle accident lawyer in one of our offices in Seaford, Wilmington or Newark, please call 302-888-2900 or fill out our contact form.


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